All prices are All inclusive. You can choose yourself which amount you pay according to your current financial situation. We offer this concept so it is accessible for everybody. When you buy an abundance ticket you make it possible for us to keep up this way of working and have the budget tickets available. Thank you!
Regular Ticket: € 299,00
Budget ticket: € 239,00
Abundance ticket: € 349,00
⊗ You feel stuck in a routine, an endless loop with the same results
⊗ You are stressed and or tired
⊗ You are doubtful and indecisive
⊗ You keep dreaming but you don’t take real action
⊗ You struggle with relationships
⊗ You are overly attached to your job, partner and/or kids
You wish to feel true love without fear or doubt
You wish to make your dreams come true
You want to feel inner peace and stay at ease
You wish to feel good about yourself and what you do
You wish to be more connected with yourself and feel calm
Start event: 26.05.2023, 20:00
End event: 28.05.2023, 17:30
Retreat Program (Just a glimpse)
Introduction big group & intro facilitators with their subgroups
Sharing circles
Transformational exercises
Ground and making up the balance in life
Breathing journey - unblock
Music & Ecstatic
Various transformational meditations
Reset-Life Method (Reprogram patterns!)
Sharing circles
Live music
Celebrate life
Fire Circle
Deep mediations & Hypno-meditation
Sharing circles
Purpose work
Forgiveness ceremony
The New life
Food: All the tasty meals during the days (all meals are vegan)
Integration call on the Thursday after the event
Accommodation, shared bedrooms
Transformational exercises
Guided Sharing circles
Reset life method
Guided meditations
Sound healing & Live music
Fire circles
Ecstatic dance & Energy moving
Experienced team to support you
Helpful tools for daily life
Free online group session after the event about integration!