
Life Changing Journey – English

Bernau, Germany

3-5 May 2024

The Life Changing Journey! In South-West Germany (Schwarzwald) A beautiful journey of self-discovery and taking responsibility for your own happiness! This retreat is specially designed to help you live "from head to heart." This Journey has already brought about a tremendous transformation for many on the path to love and happiness.

Life Changing Journey 2024 – Nederlands

Limburg, Netherlands

26-28 April 2024

De Nederlandse Life Changing Journey editie! Een prachtige reis van zelfontdekking en verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor je eigen geluk! Dit Retraite is speciaal ontworpen om jou te helpen om ''van hoofd naar hart'' te gaan leven. Deze Journey heeft al voor velen een geweldige transformatie teweeg gebracht op het pad naar liefde en gelukkig zijn.

Reset Life – Light (workers) Journey – 5 Months Program

Online & Live

15 December 2023 - 4 April 2024

The Reset Life - Light (worker) Journey is for those who want to take it to the next level. Those who are eager to delve deeper within themselves on the healing path to live more freely. We will also integrate the lessons and awareness more deeply into daily life to further distance ourselves from old patterns and beliefs. In this journey, your "Purpose" or life goal will also be addressed, and we will explore where your strength lies, where you are meant to touch people's lives. After this journey, you can also become a Reset Life Coach.

*This event is fully booked. You can no longer book.

Personal Reset-Life Journey – English & Dutch available

Online & in Belgium (live day)

1 December - 1 February

In 10 special sessions, you can make big changes in your life. We'll activities to help you let go of bad feelings and thoughts you've had for a long time. We will be creating a new story about yourself, where you can be exactly who you are without being scared or held back.

*This event is fully booked. You can no longer book.

Life Changing Journey


10-12 November 2023 - Nederlandstalige editie

De laatste Life-Changing Journey van dit jaar. De Nederlandse editie! Een prachtige reis van zelfontdekking en verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor je eigen geluk! Dit Retraite is speciaal ontworpen om jou te helpen om ''van hoofd naar hart'' te gaan leven. Deze Journey heeft al voor velen een geweldige transformatie teweeg gebracht op het pad naar liefde en gelukkig zijn.

*This event is fully booked. You can no longer book.

Life-Changing Journey

Kasterlee, Belgium

26-28 May, 2023

For the first time in Belgium! A great team of hosts and facilitators, the Life-Changing journey in Kasterlee. Are you also ready for change? From resetting negative beliefs about yourself to group meditations and celebrating life. An amazing gift to yourself!

*This event is fully booked. You can no longer book.

Truffle Retreat

Vorstenbosch, Netherlands (incl one night accommodation)

10 / 11 / 12 March 2023 (select your day)

Are you open for a new experience? Then go on a magical journey!

You will take a journey into yourself, from love and with all that is. You can better connect with yourself and awaken your inner wisdom, seeing yourself and your life from a new perspective. This leads to new inner wisdom and the discovery of who you really are. Includes diner, night stay at luxury accommodation and breakfast.

(Max. 12 participants and min. 3 team members)

*This event is fully booked. You can no longer book.


Delft, Netherlands

13 or 14 January 2023

Start the new year with a magical journey into yourself!

You will take a journey into yourself, from love and with all that is. You can better connect with yourself and awaken your inner wisdom, seeing yourself and your life from a new perspective. This leads to new inner wisdom and the discovery of who you really are.

*This event is fully booked. You can no longer book.


Tuscany, Italy

8-10 October, 2022

Increase your energy it's Full Moon!

The Full Moon effects notably our energy—both light and dark. This makes it the perfect time to clean your space, body and mind.  Remove and let go all the built-up energy that you no longer need.

Join this 3 day retreat, trust the journey, share your fears, receive love, heal.

*This event is fully booked. You can no longer book.

Climb to Conciousness

Lugano, Switzerland

11-14 September, 2022

Fall in Love with you!

It's time to fall in love with yourself again, to feel, hear and observe all wrong beliefs and thoughts that you have been carrying for a long time.  Reconnect with  yourself and Heal.

We invite you to join this unforgettable 4-day retreat in the heart of nature in Switzerland.

*This event is fully booked. You can no longer book.